Featured Articles About Health, Fitness, and Nutrition


"10 Most Underrated Strength-Building Tips" by Josh Bryant

"Cluster Sets for a Quick Back Workout" by Josh Bryant
"7Leg Exercises to work Your lower Body to Exhaustion" by Josh Bryant
"Powerbuilding for Chest Made Simple" by Josh Bryant
"Inside the Workout that Built Noah Syndergaard's 100 MPH Heat"
Italian Journal of Sport Rehab and Posturology
Muscle & Fitness "Unarmed Combat Training" by Josh Bryant and Adam benShea
Muscle & Fitness "6 Bench Press Variations for More Mass" by Josh Bryant
Muscle&Fitness "Getting Big vs Getting Strong" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Increase Intensity with Density" by Josh Bryant
"5 Wrestling Tips for the High School Wrestler" by Joe Giandonato
"Cheating Movements" by Dr. Fred Hatfield
Muscle&Fitness "Perfect Peak in 3 Biceps Moves" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "4 Moves for a Massive Chest" by Josh Bryant
Muscle&Fitness "Bigger,Faster,Stronger" by Josh Bryant
MuscleMag "Rest-Pause Drop Sets" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Combining Powerlifting and Bodybuilding to Maximize Muscular Develpoment" by Josh Bryant
Muscle&Fitness "Upgrade Your Front Squat" by Josh Bryant
Muscle&Fitness  "4 Reasons to Front Squat" by Josh Bryant
MuscleMag "Mastering the Power Clean"  by Josh Bryant and Noah Bryant
Muscle&Fitness "Getting Big vs Getting Strong" by Josh Bryant
Muscle&Fitness "The Ultimate Chest Slay" by Josh Bryant
Muscle&Fitness "Beef up Your Chicken Legs" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "4 Movements for Massive Triceps" by Josh Bryant
MuscleMag "Build A Wider, Thicker Back" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Rest-Pause Method" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Increase Training Density" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Get Negative for More Muscle Gain" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Upgrade your Front Squat" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Cheat Sheet: Limit Strength" by Josh Bryant
EliteFTS "Three Tips for Packing on Mass" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Neck Training 101" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Instantly Boost Your Deadlift Max" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "6 Bench Press Variations" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "5 Exercise Swaps for Faster Gains" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Try 3 Unconventional Tri Moves" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "One Barbell, 4 Muscle Building Workouts" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Top Techniques for Advanced Arm Training" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Skip the Stretch" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "The Power of Partials" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "3 Unconventional Tri Moves" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Reverse Pyramid Training" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Time to Grow Muscle" by Josh Bryant
Power Magazine "Supercharging Your Bench Press" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Bench Press Seminar 6: The Bar Squeeze" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Bench Press Seminar 5: Dead Bench" By Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Bench Press Seminar 4: More Reps, Fewer Sets" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "7Tips From a World Class Squatter" by Josh Bryant
Muslce & Fitness "Bench Seminar 3: Stop Stretching" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "8 Tips From a World Class Deadlifter" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Do Muscle Pre-Exhaustion Techniques Really Work?" by Josh Bryant
Muscle & Fitness "Bench Press Seminar 1- CAT-Like Strength" by Josh Bryant
EliteFTS "Cheat Your Way to Gains" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "PHA Training Not For the Faint of Heart" by Josh Bryant
TNation "Obliterate Your Sticking Points" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Increased Frequency Training" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Unstable Surface Training:Path to Growth or Empty Hype?" by Josh Bryant
EliteFTS "Recapturing your Glory Years" by Josh Bryant and Joe Giandonato
"Heat Up Your Warm Up With Plyometrics" by Joe Giandonato
ProSource "Knock 'Em Dead" by Josh Bryant
TNation "Build Explosive Power" by Josh Bryant and Joe Giandonato
EliteFTS"Psychology is Physiology" by Josh Bryant
"Neck Training" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Burn the Fat Not the Muscle" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "7 Plateau Busting Squat Strategies" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "The Power of Negative Thinking" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Time Under Tension for Muscle Growth" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "The Upper Body Squat" by Josh Bryant
Reps "10 Keys to a Kick Ass Workout" by Eric Velazquez
ProSource"The Deadlift Reconsidered" by Josh Bryant
ProSource "Tips and Techniques for GluteDevelopment that Work for the Pros" by Josh Bryant
Prosource "7 Habits of Highly Successful Bench Pressers" by Josh Bryant
T Nation "4 Gadgets to Amplify Upper Body Mass" by Josh Bryant
T NATION "Maximal Strength Training for Muscle Mass" by Josh Bryant and Joe Giandonato
ProSource "Strength Matters" by Eric Velazquez
EliteFTS "Mechanical Advantage Drop Sets" by Josh Bryant
IronMan "Power Surge: Strength for When the Wolves Come" by Josh Bryant
MuscleMag International "Be the Strongest Guy in Your Gym" by Eric Velazquez
IRON MAN MAGAZINE - "Power Surge - Strength For When the Wolves Come Part 3" - by Sean Katterle
T NATION - "Deadlifting For MMA" - by Adam benShea & Josh Bryant
"Neophytes - A Call To Arms" - by Dan Edwards
MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT - "Problem - Raw Bench Press: Solution - Plyometrics" by Josh Bryant
MUSCLE MAG INTERNATIONAL - "Secrets #To A Massive Chest" - by Mike Carlson
"Fall Hydration" - by Josh Bryant
T NATION - "CAT, Plyo, Board Presses" - by Josh Bryant & Todd Bumgardner
ELITE FITNESS - "How To Win Meets and Influence Squats and Deadlifts" - by Josh Bryant
MUSCLE & FITNESS MGAZINE - "Deadlift Encyclopedia" - by Adam benShea & Josh Bryant
"Individualize Your Assessments" - by Joe Giandonato
ELITE FITNESS - "JoshStrength Meet Results" - by Josh Bryant
ELITE FITNESS - "Metroflex Gym Powerbuilding Basics" - by Noah Bryant
ELITE FITNESS - "Ten Reasons To Do Chin-Ups" - by Josh Bryant
"Explosive Training Exercises For Football" - by Josh Bryant
"The Maximal Effort Method" - by Josh Bryant
MUSCLE & FITNESS MAGAZINE - "The A-Team" - by Rob Fitzgerald
"Psychological Preparation" - by Josh Bryant
TEXAS MMA WEBSITE - "Rotational Power Development" - by Josh Bryant
TEXAS MMA WEBSITE - "Deadly Speed & Power With Deadlifts" - by Adam behShea & Josh Bryant
TEXAS COACH MAGAZINE - "Sprint Resited Training" - by Josh Bryant
MUSCLE & FITNESS MAGAZINE - "Fill Your Sleeves" - by Josh Bryant & Myatt Murphy
PLANET MUSCLE MAGAZINE - "Nine Keys To Alien Mass" - by Josh Bryant
ELITE FITNESS - "Five Front Squat Advantages" - by Josh Bryant
ELITE FITNESS - "Commit To the Pull" - by Josh Bryant
ELITE FITNESS - "Six Ways To Gain Wrist Strength" - by Josh Bryant
ELITE FITNESS - "Nine Ways To Prevent Over training" - by Josh Bryant
ELITE FITNESS - "Bring Your Bench Press Alive With the Dead Bench" - by Josh Bryant
"From Under the Bar To Above the Clouds" - by Joe Morden
ELITE FITNESS - "The Effect of Whey & Soy Protein Supplementation on Lean Body Mass..." - By Josh Bryant
ELITE FITNESS - "Squats: Superior to Leg Presses For Muscle Hypertrophy & Athletic Prowess" - by Josh Bryant
MUSCLE & FITNESS - "V Is For Victory" - by Josh Bryant
TEXAS COACH MAGAZINE - "Triple Extension Movements For Football - Using Strongman Training" - by Josh Bryant
"Football Strength and Conditioning Considerations" by Joe Giandonato
"Training Time Nutritional Strategies to Pack on Muscle" by Joe Giandonato
"One Movement a Day, Five Days a Week" - by Joe Giandonato
"Dual Barbell Axle Incline Press" - by Joe Giandonato
"Drink Up" - by Joe Giandonato
"Barbell Complexes: They're Not That Complex" - Joe Giandonato
"Fat Loss Tips For Women" - by Joe Giandonato
"Get a Grip" - by Joe Giandonato
"40-40 Program" - by Joe Giandonato
"Tri This M#ovement" - by Joe Giandonato
"Caffeine" - by Joe Giandonato
"Break Free From Fle#xion" - by Joe Giandonato
"Snatch Grip Deadlifts for Greater Gains" - by Joe Giandonato
"Back Training Considerations" - by Joe Giandonato
"Calf Training Considerations" - by Joe Giandonato
"Cold Runnings: Considera#tions For Training in Cold Weather" - by Joe Giandonato
"Problems Within the Industry: An# Experts Perspective" - by Joe Giandonato & Joe Cannon
"Ten Fatal Flaws of Fitness Professionals" - by Joe Giandonato
"Lower Body Plyometric Training for Female Athletes" - by Joe Giandonato
"Flexibility Considerations: PNF Stretching" - by Joe Giandonato
"Soft Tissue Consisderations: Optimizing Soft Tissue Health" - by Joe Giandonato
"Attention Endurance Athletes: Do Not Resist Resistance Training" - by Joe Giandonato
"Flexibility Considerations: Dynamic Stretching" - by Joe Giandonato
"Flexibility Considerations: Static Stretching" - by Joe Giandonato
BODYBUILDING.COM - "Ben Graves - Arguably the Best Raw Bencher in the World" - by Josh Bryant
ELITE FITNESS - "Bridge the Gap: Sprint-Resisted Training" - by Josh Bryant
POWERLIFTING USA - "Powerlifting Sport Psychology Training"
ELITE FITNESS - "Spotlight on Josh Bryant" - by The Angry Coach
MUSCLE & FITNESS MAGAZINE - "Metroflex Massive" - by Rob Fitzgerald
Texas Coach- "Developing deadly wrestlers with deadlifts"
Men's Health- "Pound your chest" - by Myatt Murphy
"Compensatory Acceleration Training" by Josh Bryant