Bringing Up Lagging Body Parts and Imbalances
by: Josh Bryant You are big, ripped and raking in the dead presidents on the Chippendales stage, but now you want to transition to the bodybuilding stage and need balance and symmetry. Maybe one arm is smaller than the other, or a muscle group is lagging…… Let’s look at some strategies that combat these issues…

FREE Tactical Strength and Conditioning Ebook
The most physically well-prepared tactical athletes have the conditioning levels and movement capacity of someone 50 pounds lighter, while possessing the strength of someone 50 pounds heavier. Tactical Strength and Conditioning is the application of strength and conditioning principles in a strategic training environment. It’s a multidisciplinary approach to the performance, maintenance and recovery of…

Sprinting: The Top 10 Benefits
Author, Josh Bryant, Sprinting Whether you are looking to up your right-swipe ratio on Tinder, outrun the 5-0s, dominate the company flag football game or improve your health—sprinting can help you! Sprinting is the most versatile form of exercise because sprinting is utilized to build power and speed, increase muscle hypertrophy, shred body fat, and increase…

Coming Through in the Clutch
by: Josh Bryant The process of pressure creates diamonds and duds. Think about the “clutch player” in sports, in business, or any activity. A clutch player is the person that comes through when the game or deal is on the line; the one who executes their best in a challenging situation. “Big Game James” Worthy…

Don’t Neglect the Neck!
By: Josh Bryant When I was a junior in high school, my best friend, Adam benShea, and I really wanted to go to a bar after watching the movie Roadhouse for the umpteenth time. Being in Southern California, we decided to head down to the “Nard” to this little Mexican kick n’ stab bar right…

Making Strength Gains Past 40
By: Josh Bryant George Foreman knocking out Michal Moorer. In 1994, George Foreman shocked the world by winning the boxing heavyweight championship of the world at 45 years old. Ronnie Coleman was Mr. Olympia into his forties. Turning 40 doesn’t mean trading in your barbell for a pink tutu, your six pack for a dad…

Rucking Gains
Do you hate cardio? Or…. Are you tired of logging countless miles of road work that’s rewarded you with testosterone levels in the gutter and a dadbod? Then start rucking! Rucking is simple. Its beauty is in its simplicity. Grab a backpack, throw some weight in and start walking. The benefits of rucking range…

10 Ways to Program Your Mind for Success—Genetic Engineering
by: Josh Bryant Nature gifts one athlete and he routinely get splinters in his ass from riding the pine. Another athlete, written off as subpar, is playing on Sundays and riding around in Bentley. Why? A trust fund baby now doesn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of and the…

Building Bottom End Squat Power
by: Josh Bryant Bottoms up! And I am not talking Saturday night at your favorite Sake Hostelry or toasting to the late Popcorn Sutton on the other side. I am referring to building a stronger, more explosive squat. Remember, squats have an ascending strength curve. This means the squat is most difficult at the bottom…

Turning Back the Clock
by: Josh Bryant Imagine a pleasant evening in Waikiki, three sake bombs deep, the Don Ho cover band sounds celestial, boom! All of a sudden, the Big Kahuna and wrecking crew come in and want to do the toe-to-toe mambo. Who would you want by your side? Odd Haugen is somebody that immediately comes to…