Beat the Heat
by: Josh Bryant Back in the day, I trained clients at a fancy gym. They were tough with more strength and better physiques than your average gym-goer. Then, this plush chrome palace added a boxing fitness component, led by Coach Jimmy. Now, Jimmy wasn’t your typical high-end gym guy. He ran a kick-n-stab Latino bar…

Explosive Bench Pressing
by: Josh Bryant It is impossible to lift a maximum weight with intention of moving it slowly! Often, I am asked how to build speed in the squat, bench press, or deadlift. My response is redirecting the question back at the person on their intent when lifting the barbell. Dollars to donuts says the response…

Celebrating Singles
by: Josh Bryant Big Jim Williams Q: So, here’s the deal. I’ve been hearing Haters claiming that training powerlifting with single reps is a bad idea. What’s the truth behind this? Well, let me tell you a story. Back in the day, there was this gruff bouncer from a West By God Virginia kick-n-stab bar.…

Advanced Rucking for Physical Readiness
PRovide PRotect PReserve Rucking is foundational to everything. Throughout history, rucking has proven to be the simplest and most effective method to prepare soldiers for duty, and now it’s your turn to benefit from it. Not only will it enhance your aerobic conditioning, but it’ll also build strength, improve your posture, and boost your mental…

Power Posing—Stand Tall, Stand Your Ground
by: Josh Bryant Bill Romanowski exemplifies power posing. Dennis, a witty and sharp-tongued 65 year old, was a total classic. Despite his reputation as a skilled manipulator and slick talker, he found his calling as a Waffle House cook. Dennis achieved more in one hour behind the grill than most cooks did in 12. I…

Commit to the Descent
by: Josh Bryant Now, picture this: a 20-year-old model for the legendary Low Rider Magazine comes struttin’ in the gym. She sets her sights on a young, Latino stud with a bedroom physique. But, guess what? Mr. Stud Muffin was too timid to make a move. Pacheco, an old geezer who looks like he fell…

Gaining Size Vs. Gaining Strength
Brian Dobson, Jeremy Hoornstra, Josh Bryant & Branch Warren at Metroflex Gym Back in the day, I found myself in the gritty Italian section of Philadelphia. I stumbled upon a local gym that was more like a fancy fitness center than a hardcore iron pit. Exhausted as hell, I needed a pick-me-up, so I ordered…

5 Essential Strength Building Tips
Whether you’re into CrossFit, Olympic lifting, or even if you’re crazy enough to wrestle alligators while brewing moonshine, strength is your golden ticket to success! And hey, if you’re trying to impress that smokin’ hot girl at the Allsup’s gas station in rural West Texas, trust me, being jacked ain’t gonna hurt your chances! Now,…

Bigger Faster Stronger: Put to the Test
by: Josh Bryant Everyone knew of Dirk, but they also had the sense to keep their distance and avoid getting to know him well. Dirk was a towering presence at bodybuilding shows. He would strut around, making the other competitors on stage feel small, weak, and emasculated. Always in his trusty lumberjack flannel, he was…

CrossFit and The Seven Grandaddy Laws
by: Josh Bryant Popcorn Sutton had a meticulous approach to moonshine-making. He would scour the mountains for the perfect holler, a secluded spot where he could set up his operation undisturbed. Popcorn would search for the finest creek, with water that ran pure and crisp, which was essential for creating a top-notch brew. When it…