Squat Depth for Athletes
by: Josh Bryant Fifteen years ago, a majority of commercial squats were higher than a Bolivian stilt walker with an overactive pituitary gland. Now days, a common mistake is athletes squatting lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut. Not everyone needs to squat ass to grass, regardless of what some gurus claim. In…

Why Ruck?
by: Josh Bryant You aren’t training for war or even a career as a tactical athlete, so should you ruck? And what are the benefits? Cardio for Cardio Haters Maybe it was Sergeant Ignacio Coral, the toughest Mexican this side of Pancho Villa, who screamed at you as you jogged while he reeked of 90…

Shredded, Savage, and Dense—Myogenic Tone
by: Josh Bryant Ever wonder why the physiques of pump and pose fluffers have a different look than the old-head lifters that routinely slay the heavy pig iron? Success leaves clues. Look at the physiques of top-level sprinters, whether it’s Ben Johnson or Harry Aikines-Aryeetey. Or, hey, just go to a high-level track meet and…

Get Huge with Hyperplasia
by: Josh Bryant Hypertrophy is the accepted mechanism of increased mass. Basically, you are born with a certain number of muscle fibers; these can increase in size but not in number. But what if the number of muscle fibers could increase? During the late ’60s and early ’70s, European scientists discovered that the muscle cells…

5 Proven Ways to Boost Your Bench Press
by Josh Bryant World’s Strongest Man Competitors, gym bros and Chippendales dancer are asked one question when venturing into public, “How much ya bench?” As a powerlifter, the bench press is one of your competition lifts. If you were an inmate in San Quentin in the 1970s, your bench press strength determined your position in…

Just Released
In elite iron game circles, nothing is more coveted than a big bench press! In high school, the bench press is your bragging right. In the collegiate and professional ranks, athletes use the bench press to build upper body strength and mass. If you are a powerlifter, a great emphasis is placed on the bench…

Shane Hunt—Strength Strategies
by: Josh Bryant Beginners build strength and muscle at a faster rate than experienced lifters, aka, newbie gains. Shane Hunt, while just 24 years of age, ain’t no newbie; he has been competing in powerlifting for 10 years. In February, at the WRPF Ghost Clash, weighing 268, Shane totaled 2160 raw, with a 755 squat, 501…

Safe Execution of Strongman Events
By: Josh Bryant Strongman training is lifting heavy, awkward objects and moving them from point A to points B – whether that is from the ground to overhead, or from a designated start point to a finish point. Strongman training helps SWAT team physical preparedness, the aging Mrs. Jones carry in grocery bags, the linebacker, and the…

Olympic Lifts—Fun, not Fundamental
by Josh Bryant Explode for Strength Go to your local “strength and conditioning center” or trendy chain gym and see the poor souls hitting bastardized cheat curls that, in their warped world, moonlight as power cleans. Even scarier, more ambitious members will hit snatches and then the ambulance hits the gas. It takes strength coaches with…

Bench with Maximum Power
Straight from Julius Maddox’s own coach Josh Bryant, a manual with the info that will blow away your plateaus! In this manual Josh covers a simple concept in expert detail to help you overcome sticking points and bench with maximum power. In addition, the manual includes a 12 Week Program to get you in the strongest shape of your life! What are you waiting for?…