4 Ways to Shock your Arms into Growth
By: Josh Bryant Heredity deals the cards, but training plays the hand when it comes to arm development. I am going to share with you four ways to play your hand and hit the jackpot of bigger arms. These techniques have worked muscle-building miracles on hard-gainer bikini competitors to genetic freak IFBB pros and even…

5 Unappreciated Strength Exercises
by: Josh Bryant Orlando “Maximus” Green “Weakness is a crime,” was the gym slogan when I trained at Paul Leonard’s Yorba Linda Barbell Club in the early 2000s. Did you know that, recently, researchers from the Winston-Salem State University in North Carolina found that men and women under 30 have weaker grip strength than they did back…

Increase Training Volume & Decrease Training Time
by: Josh Bryant Big Jim Williams Pioneered Cluster Sets Bro science and lab science are on the same page: higher volume training regimens produce greater gains in strength and muscle size. Even faithful disciples of Arthur Jones and Heavy Duty Training, that are known for advocating just a single set per exercise, do, in fact,…

The Right Way To Partial
by Josh Bryant Some people think partials are the key to massive growth and others believe that you need full range of motion for full development. Well, both points of view are “partially” right! Shorter Range of Motion: More Weight The technique of doing partial reps is based on the accentuation principle, which states that…

New Book Release!
Powerbuilding Breakdowns Want to look jacked with the bonafide strength to back it up? But, how do you get ripped AND build raw strength? Enter powerbuilding! Powerbuilding uses the best training ideas from bodybuilding and powerlifting to develop size, symmetry, and strength. Powerbuilding only works with a plan. And we have you covered with Powerbuilding Breakdowns.…

Humans—Habitual Creatures
by: Josh Bryant Jack Nicklaus is to golf as Popcorn Sutton is to Moonshine; both are the undisputed best of all time! Nicklaus, the “Golden Bear”, was the best because he did not just dominate for a few years; he was consistent in winning the most majors a whopping 18 times and finished runner-up 19…

FREE Kettlebell EBook
by: Josh Bryant In 18th century Russia, kettlebells were used as a counterweight on market scales. But, as the vodka perilously flowed in the kabaks (taverns), this tool became a way for belligerent farmers to air out grievances and challenge each other through “feats of strength” by seeing who could lift the heaviest kettlebell. By 1885,…

Posing to Maximize Muscle Hypertrophy
By: Josh Bryant In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, a group of people live their whole lives chained up in a cave facing a wall, so reality to them is nothing more than the moving images on the wall. In all actuality, the images on the wall are the projection of shadows produced by objects and…

Six Steps for Successful Squatting
By: Josh Bryant If chicken legs were an STD, squats would be penicillin! A strong squat-to-bodyweight ratio is correlated with sprint speed, jumping ability and agility. And hell, it’s one of the three contested lifts in powerlifting. Over the course of bodybuilding history, those with the freakiest leg development hold a fundamentalist allegiance to this…

6 Common Strength-Training Blunders
By: Josh Bryant Legend has it that 3,000 years ago, Greek Wrestling Champion Milo of Crotona lifted a baby calf every day from the time it was born to the time it became a fully mature bull. 600 years before Milo, Samson wrestled down a stone temple and, in the process, slayed 3,000 Philistines, his sworn…