Touch-and-Go Deadlift Reps
by: Josh Bryant Like King Solomon said thousands of years ago, there is a time and place for everything under the sun, be it drinkin’ some ‘shine in a kick ‘n stab bar in West “By God” Virginia or even touch-and-go deadlifts. First, let’s differentiate between bounced reps, which deadlift 101 covered, and touch-and-go reps. Bounced…

Dead Stop Deadlift Reps
By: Josh Bryant Hey Josh, I have just start powerlifting and am new to deadlifting. I did 315 pounds for eight reps using the “bounce” style off the floor. An older powerlifter at the gym told me to stop each rep and now I can only do three reps. Which style should I use in preparation for my…

Gettin’ Yoked By Josh Bryant
Josh speaking from experience. The yoke walk is the ultimate test of limit strength, strength endurance, core stability and explosive power. To add icing on the cake, the yoke will simultaneously work virtually every muscle in the body. In the last 15 years, the yoke has become popular in strongman contests ranging from the iconoclastic World’s…