
In-the-Trenches Strength Training Unveiled

by: Josh Bryant Fresh out of the clink, Brother Barrett was determined to go straight – or as straight as a former meth cook, moonshiner, and pool hall hustler could go. He decided to channel his entrepreneurial spirit into a new venture: a duck hunting operation in the heart of western Arkansas. Now, Brother wasn’t…


Busting Bench Press Plateaus: 4 Power-Packed Methods

by: Josh Bryant A big bench press is like Wild Bill’s Corn Liquor Operation behind the Waffle House—legendary! It’s the gold standard for upper body power. If you were an inmate in San Quentin in the 1970s, your bench press strength determined your position in the prison weight pile or if you got to use…


Quad-Quaking Hatfield Squats: 

Crushing Weight for Colossal Quads by: Josh Bryant Josh pushing Kyle Cavnar on Hatfield Overload Squats. Back in ’94, I found myself in the heart of Whitehouse, Tennessee, payin’ a visit to my uncle Dennis. Little did I know, I was about to meet some cat they called “Coach,” and let me tell ya, he…


Muscle Mastery: 4 Athletic Advancements

by: Josh Bryant If you want to get those Tinder right swipes or dominate like an athlete, you better train for both muscle and performance.  Trust me, it’s the key to kicking Father Time right in the testicles.  Now, stroll into your local “strength and conditioning center” and witness the chaos of folks butchering athletic…


Popeye-Proud Forearms

by: Josh Bryant I first met Brother Barrett at a quaint little gas station in southwest Arkansas. Lo and behold, there’s a wet t-shirt contest goin’ on in the back and there was Brother Barrett, the life of the party, dishing out corn liquor like it’s water. Brother Barrett was a back-slidin’ Pentecostal preacher, who…

A body builder showing his back in the gym

Six Synergistic Strategies for Greater Strength

by: Josh Bryant Let’s take a look at six ways to get stronger, outside of traditional strength training; these methods are backed in the lab and proven in the trenches. Final Thoughts After the mental, physical and spiritual align, 1+1+1=5. The sum is greater than the individual parts; synergy happens, you get stronger!  The acquisition of…

A poster of strength heroes with a body builder in center

NEW Book Release

We believe in heroes and Strength Heroes is your ticket to the storiesof physical culture greats and the legends of the iron game. These arethe ones who didn’t just walk the walk but paved the way. These strength stories are backed by solid research and can serve asyour blueprint for greatness. Follow the examples set…

A poster of Grab Gainz by the balls


Strength is the workhorse that pulls the cart of bio-motor abilities, and it should be prioritized accordingly! Let’s cut the bullshit—there is a time and a place to make speed, agility or conditioning the priority but your pissin’ in the wind if strength is absent. Heavy training improves rate of force development, which impacts movement.…

A man lifting heavy weights in a farm

Why Strongman Training?

by: Josh Bryant The adaptations from properly-applied strongman training are a symphony of bigger, faster, and stronger. Limit strength is not just about success on the powerlifting platform; it’s the bedrock for speed, agility, and all things athletic. Olympic lifting is explosive strength, meaning strength executed with speed. Bodybuilding is sculpting your physique like Michelangelo with swole intentions.…

A man doing body building activities

Build The Strength Skill

by: Josh Bryant Josh using a form of de-inhibition training with Johnnie Jackson. You don’t go parading around in your birthday suit to fetch the mail, unless you’re eager for a free stay in the county’s crowbar hotel. Now, picture this: that one night at the world-famous Kentucky Bar in Juarez Mexico, after a whirlwind…