6 Worst Things You Can Do to Get Stronger

“Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general,” says legendary strength coach Mark Rippetoe. Since most of you will not argue “Rip’s” wisdom, let’s take a look at the six worst things you can do in your pursuit of strength.

Train at Planet Fitness

A recent study showed that training at Planet Fitness was more effective than castration for dropping men’s testosterone levels; okay, I am joking, but hear me out. In 2006, Albert Argibay, a bodybuilder and a state correction officer, was training at Planet Fitness in New York and literally had the police called on him by gym management for grunting. Interestingly, Dennis G. O’Connell, a professor of physical therapy at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas, has piloted studies on the effects of grunting. O’Connell found that weight lifters produce between two and five percent greater force when they grunt. On a 500-pound squat, that is 10 to 25 pounds—no gym rule is worth giving up that! Furthermore, Planet Fitness has removed all squat racks. If strength is the objective, avoid Planet Fitness like the plague.

Training on Exclusively Machines

Machines are great for some secondary assistance movements but training exclusively on machines for super-human levels of strength is as efficient as attempting to become inebriated on near beer. Sure, fancy machines attract the physically-flaccid, uptown crowd and make the joint look nice, but machines also alter the way your body moves, eliminate stabilization and restrict range of motion which is great for isolation. Strength is not built in isolation! Strength is built by teaching muscle groups to work together to produce maximal force. There is a time and place for machines in your program but if you want to get strong, free weights need to be at the nucleus of your program with machines playing a subservient role.

Excessive Cardio

Are you logging countless hours on the same, boring piece of cardio equipment or putting in endless miles of joint-destroying and testosterone-ridding road work? If you answered yes—you are performing far below your strength potential. One study from the University of Tampa showed that adding jogging to a weight-training program decreased strength gains by 50 percent! Adding insult to injury, as you get weaker, you lose muscle and your body fat increases! Opt, instead, for walking at a low intensity which will facilitate recovery and have no adverse effects on strength. For intense conditioning, short bouts of HIIT will suffice. Try some Jailhouse Strong Interval Training. Not Staying Hydrated

As little as two to three percent dehydration can cause performance detriments in the double digits performance range!  Staying hydrated is one of the most underrated performance enhancers.  Minimally, drink a half an ounce of water per pound of bodyweight; if you train extremely hard and/or live in a hot/humid climate, you may easily need to double that. Staying hydrated keeps you healthy and your performance on par!

Getting Inadequate Sleep

It’s very difficult to get stronger and ignite hypertrophy without adequate sleep.  Sleep is when a large percentage of anabolic hormones, like growth hormone and testosterone, are released.  Besides hormonal disruption, one study found after three days with only three hours of sleep per night, maximal bench press, deadlift and leg press were down significantly.  Bench Press decreased by 20 pounds. Other findings in the literature caused by sleep deprivation include reduced energy, decreased time to exhaustion, increased injury rate, reduced sprinting speed, reduced accuracy in basketball and slower reaction times. Since strength is the objective, strive for eight hours of sleep nightly, minimally seven.

Negative Training Partners

Self-help guru, the late Jim Rohn, says we are a product of the five people we spend the most time with.  If strength is a serious goal, you must eliminate training partners that are lazy, negative and not willing to work. Surround yourself with like-minded people with similar goals and attitudes, in turn you will feed off of each other and success will be a foregone conclusion. Don’t train with poodle dicks!

Final Thoughts If you are worried about calming your nerves and feeling slightly healthier, you can keep on “sweating to the oldies” and hanging in the Nautilus Room. However, if building serious strength and a no-nonsense physique is the objective, avoid these six cardinal strength sins at all costs. Time to hit the pig iron!