Gas Station Ready Interval Training (NO EQUIPMENT REQUIRED)
By: Josh Bryant and Adam benShea

Tom Haviland is always Gas Station Ready.
Sometimes, you want some late-night Waffle House. At other times, your buddy needs a ride home from his new bouncing gig at the local Kick n’ Stab Tejano joint.
For whatever reason, you are out late and you realize that your gas light is on.
You pull into a seedy-looking gas station and, as you exit your ride, the small hair on the back of your neck stands on end.
Something is off.
Tension is in the air.
A nomadic vagabond with wild eyes and sweating out 90 proof weaves his way over to your gas pump.
He wants your money.
He wants your keys.
He wants your lady.
Unfortunately, there is no life coach at the gas station at 3 AM. In the words of the political philosopher Thomas Hobbes, this no rules encounter is going to be “nasty, brutish, and short.”
It is go time.
This interval training is in preparation for that reality.
Furthermore, this is an excellent interval workout for when you’re short on time but you want a good bang for your buck. It could be done as a workout on its own, or as a way to finish a pig iron session. Rather than relying on your fists, which can break through impact with a human skull, this interval workout utilizes the durable points of your elbows and knees.
In addition, the movement of the sprawl is included because of the way in which it mimics the process of defending a takedown (a common feature of any no-rules fight). The sprawl also helps you get used to fluctuating between moving on your feet and on the ground (an often overlooked aspect of a real knock-down, drag-out fight). For those who have not trained this movement in real, unarmed combat, they will be doubled over and out of gas. To make the workout more difficult, a burpee can be substituted for a sprawl.
This interval could be done with or without a heavy bag.
Day 1/Week 1
Complete the circuit as many times as possible inside of 20 seconds, then rest 20 seconds. Complete five times.
- Left elbow strike/right elbow strike
- Sprawl
- Left knee strike/right knee strike
- Sprawl
Day 2/Week 1
Complete a 30-second circuit 10 times, with a 30-second break between each circuit.
- Freestyle elbow and knee strikes with sprawls
Day 1/Week 2
Complete the circuit as many times as possible inside of 20 seconds, then rest 20 seconds. Complete 10 times.
- Left elbow strike/right elbow strike
- Sprawl
- Left knee strike/right knee strike
- Sprawl
Day 2/Week 2
Complete a one-minute circuit eight times, with a 30-second break between each circuit.
- Freestyle elbow and knee strikes with sprawls
Day 1/Week 3
Complete the circuit as many times as possible inside of 30 seconds, then rest 10 seconds. Complete five times.
- Left elbow strike/right elbow strike
- Sprawl
- Left knee strike/right knee strike
- Sprawl
Day 2/Week 3
Complete a one-minute circuit 10 times, with a 30-second break between each circuit.
- Freestyle elbow and knee strikes with sprawls
Day 1/Week 4
Complete the circuit as many times as possible inside of 30 seconds, then rest 10 seconds. Complete 10 times.
- Left elbow strike/right elbow strike
- Sprawl
- Left knee strike/right knee strike
- Sprawl
Day 2/Week 4
Complete a one-minute circuit 10 times, with a 30-second break between each circuit.
- Freestyle elbow and knee strikes with sprawls
For a plethora of interval workouts that require no equipment, check out Jailhouse Strong Interval Training HERE.