Dead Stop Deadlifts
Listen up and prepare to enter the world of squats and bench presses. Both exercises start with the weight at the beginning of the range of motion, and then you lower it. During this eccentric phase, your muscles store elastic-like energy that, if you choose to use it, can make it easier for you to return the weight to the starting position.
A 2019 study, “A Biomechanic Analysis of the Effects of Bouncing the Barbell in the Conventional Deadlift,” confirmed bouncing won’t let you unleash max force in the early part of the deadlift. So, while you might be tempted to bounce like a hyperactive kangaroo, remember this: more doesn’t always mean better gains, regardless of what your favorite 15-year-old influencer on TikTok says.
Bounced deadlifts will train you for a different lift than what you’ll encounter in a powerlifting meet. As a beginner, your focus should be on building solid technique. Consistency is the secret sauce. Execute those reps with the same precision you’d use on the competition platform. It’s Sports-Specific Training 101, and it’s the key to unlocking your lifting potential!
But now, let’s shift gears and talk about the deadlift, the granddaddy of lifts.
It doesn’t have an eccentric phase, which means it starts in a hellishly tough position. It’s like being stuck at the bottom of a dog pile when crap hits the fan at the local Waffle House. Now, if you bounce or even dabble in controlled touch and goes, you’re adding an eccentric twist on the second rep and beyond. It’s like adding a pinch of excitement to your lift, spicing things up. And if you’re bouncing, you’re catching a ride on the momentum train. But here’s the deal—for you beginners and intermediate lifters, it’s all about the present moment. Dead stop each rep is the name of the game (we will look at when PROPER touch and go technique is appropriate not bouncing in the future.)
Now, let’s talk about getting tight and braced, like if you had a lump of coal up your ass it would turn into a diamond. It’s crucial for any powerlift, but when it comes to deadlifts, it’s even more important. Without that elastic-like energy from the eccentric phase, lacking tightness will leak your power that. We need to plug all power leaks for performance and safety.
So, here’s a mental shift for you to embrace.
Visualize a set of three deadlift reps as three perfect single reps. Each rep is a chance to showcase your skills and refine your technique.
Dead stop reps will sharpen your lifting prowess and help you conquer new heights in your one-rep deadlift max.
And in closing, remember the golden rule: practice, practice, practice!
Repetition is the mother of all skills.
Bouncing deadlifts?
That’s like playing a whole different game. Powerlifting is all about that one-rep magic. Treat your deadlifts with the respect they deserve.
And who knows, while you’re at it, that hot blonde cashier at the Conoco Station might just take notice of your lifting prowess. So, buckle up, and unleash your strength with dead stop deadlifts.
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