Unlock Your Bench Press Potential: Ditch the Stretching Routine!
by: Josh Bryant

In the bougie streets of the Big Apple, they’re sipping $1000 Scotch, aged to perfection. But head on down where the old heads reign supreme in Western Arkansas, just past the Sands Motel, due west of the Waffle House, and meet Uncle Fester. His corn liquor? Aged in a mere two weeks, smoother than silk, and packs a punch like no other. Forget those fancy bottles—Uncle Fester’s brew reigns supreme, just like a quick and effective bench press specific warm-up.
Case Study
When I first started working with bench press demi-god Al Davis, he told me that he always had his best meets when he didn’t have enough time to warm-up.
His best workouts also fell on days he arrived at the gym and didn’t have time to warm up.
A light bulb went off in my head. I asked if he still warmed up with light weights, and he said yes. The difference was he didn’t have time to stretch. Al’s best workouts resulted from being rushed because he did not static stretch beforehand.
If you want to lift maximal weights, don’t static stretch before hand, as a plethora of studies have indicated that static stretching ahead of activity inhibits force production. (That’s not a good thing when you want to own that 315 pounds on the bar.)
While static stretching theoretically helps “loosen you up,” it also activates the golgi tendon organ, a mechanoreceptor with protective qualities which curtails your body’s ability to produce muscular force. Instead, your warm-up should include dynamic movements and submaximal weights to dial in crisp technique. Save static stretching for post-workout when warm, pliable muscles will enjoy the added benefits of increased range of motion, clearing of lactic acid and a gradual cooldown.
Science Speaks
Still not convinced?
A study involving 20 jiu-jitsu athletes being tested on their max bench press subjected them to testing with and without pre-test static stretching. The static stretching consisted of three separate static stretching exercises performed for three sets of 20 seconds each. Stretches were performed on the primary bench press muscles (pecs, delts, triceps). How did they fare? Their one-repetition maxes averaged 8.75 percent lower than without the stretching protocol.
>> PRESS POINT: Ahead of your routine, try more dynamic movements such as shadowboxing, jumping jacks and arm circles to prep working muscles for the work ahead. Follow that with 2-3 sets (or more if you feel the need) of light weight bench press sets, not to failure, for a more specific warm-up (again using movement, not stretching). Save your static stretching for post-workout to aid in recovery.
Build the biggest bench press of your life HERE!