Crack the Code to Explosiveness: 8 Secrets to Fast-Twitch Growth
by: Josh Bryant

Fast-twitch muscle fibers are the power plants of your body—built for speed, strength, and explosive force. They’re the fibers that let you lift heavier, hit harder, and move faster. Whether you’re dominating the field, smashing a PR, or handling a 3 a.m. gas station showdown, these fibers are your ticket to peak performance.
So, let’s cut the crap and dive into what really matters: how to recruit and unleash more of these fast-twitch bad boys.

Unleash Fast-twitch fury with Josh and Tom Haviland’s Excessive Force Program HERE.
- Lift Heavy: Maximal weights move slowly BUT recruit fast twitch muscle fibers to get the job done. When you’re moving maximal weights, they might grind like an old tractor in a mud pit, but those fast-twitch muscle fibers are firing off like a Fourth of July in the backwoods! The heavier the load, the more of those bad boys you recruit. So, keep it heavy—80% of your 1RM and up—and even though the weight’s heavy, attack it with the speed of a jackrabbit on a hot skillet!

- Use PAP. Post-Activation Potentiation is when your muscles turn into overdrive mode after you hit them with a heavy compound lift or a rapid-fire explosive movement. Think of it like priming the engine before a drag race—you’re cranking up the CNS, getting those motor units to fire in sync and at top speed. Whether it’s a max effort squat, an isometric hold, or a high-speed plyometric drill, the result is a boost in strength and rate of force development (RFD). Your muscles are now locked, loaded, and ready to unleash more power and speed, thanks to that initial jolt of serious CNS activation. PAP only works when fatigue does not off-set RFD or limit strength capabilities.
- Short sprints, whether it’s a 5-yard burst or a full 40, aren’t about conditioning—they’re about maximizing speed and power. These keep you Gas Station Ready and looking like you belong on the Chippendale’s stage! Whether you’re grinding up hills, pushing a sled, or tearing it up in the sand, these sprints light up those fast-twitch fibers, dialing in explosive power and cranking up neural activation. They’ll prime you for your lifts with that PAP effect, but they’re also a powerhouse on their own, keeping you fast, strong, and always ready for whatever’s next.
Read in depth with Speed Strong HERE.

- Train in a Compensatory Acceleration Style: Here’s the breakdown: If you want to recruit those fast-twitch muscle fibers, you’ve got to push with some serious force. Remember that high schoaol physics class? Force = Mass x Acceleration. By cranking up that bar speed in the 55-82.5% range of your 1RM, you’re tapping into the real power zone. So, when you hit those core barbell moves, make every rep count—explode through the full range like you’re busting down a barn door.
- Train Eccentrically: Long before lifting took the world by storm, the Soviet Sports Machine was cashing in on eccentric training with depth jumps and extreme plyos. Here’s the deal: if you’re serious about gains, you’ve got to embrace the eccentric. While hypertrophy isn’t the main goal here, it’s a sweet bonus—like joining Tinder dateless and suddenly racking up right swipes. Plus, you can handle 10-60 % more weight eccentrically. Focus on movements like the mixed one-two method, supramaximal loads, weight releasers, and movement-to-movement drills. Time to train like you’re stacking those swipes!
Luke’s tearing it up with some amazing Nordic leg curls!

- Plyometrics / Jump Training: If your joints are good to go and you’ve got a solid foundation of strength, it’s time to add some pop to your training with plyometrics. We’re talking about firing up that stretch-shortening cycle to unleash explosive power—because no one’s ever jumped high in slow motion! Hit those plyos before a heavy lift, and you’ll wake up your CNS like it’s been slapped with a cold dose of reality, ready to move some serious weight. Hammer time!
Excessive Force—Twice a day program HERE.

- Psyching up: We have all heard stories about grandmothers lifting cars off of trapped grandchildren. Everyone possesses this power! That grandmother-level strength isn’t just a myth—it’s a real, primal response where your body taps into the reserve power most folks never touch. Big-time lifters know how to access this through the right mental cues. Psyching up isn’t just a ritual; it’s a direct line to those fast-twitch fibers that can make the impossible possible. When you’re about to go to war with a barbell, it’s not just muscle—it’s mind over matter, and the mind’s saying, “It’s go time!”
Learning Psyching Up Techniques HERE.

- Medicine ball training isn’t just an ’80s gimmick—it’s rooted in ancient practices used by Greek warriors and Persian wrestlers to build speed, explosive power, and overall health. Force = mass x acceleration, so while getting stronger is key, don’t overlook acceleration. Medicine balls crank up force production by training acceleration across all planes—frontal, sagittal, and transverse—making them essential for balanced training, especially for rotational athletes like pitchers and boxers. They offer a low-risk, high-reward way to safely boost explosive power, whether you’re new to lifting or an elite athlete. Remember, medicine balls are all about explosive strength, so hit two sets of six reps of key movements twice a week. Beginners can start with a four-pound ball, while stronger athletes should use eight to 10 pounds. This simple yet powerful tool will have you exploding with power in no time!
Josh practicing what he preaches: