No Excuses: DIY Strongman Training Anywhere
by: Josh Bryant
Josh- Deficit Deadlift at LA Fitness
Can’t fit a yoke into the local chrome palace circle jerk masquerading as a gym?
In the words of Pancho Villa: “I am not an educated man. I never had an opportunity to learn anything except how to fight.”
Sometimes you gotta fight for your right to get stronger—especially when the enemy’s a purple-walled donut buffet with a lunk alarm.
You don’t need a Viking ship gym to conquer strength goals—just grit, creativity, and a refusal to quit!
Strongman Substitutions: Find a Way or Make One
When strongman implements are out of reach, these substitutions bring the chaos of the arena to your garage gym or fitness fashion show. Remember—necessity isn’t just the mother of invention, it’s the mother of dominance.
Squatting Events
- Front Squats, Pause Squats, 1¼ Squats
- Box Squats, Hack Squats, Dead Squats
- Goblet Squats, Bodyweight Squats
Deadlift Events
- Trap Bar, Snatch Grip, and Rack Pulls
- Deficit Deadlifts, Barbell Hack Squats
- Dumbbell Deadlifts
Clean & Press/Overhead Press Variations
- Barbell/Dumbbell Push Presses, Jerks, and Z-Press
- Dips, Incline Press, Landmine Press
- Partial Lockout Presses & Static Holds
Loading/Throwing Substitutes
- Medicine Ball or Plate Throws
- Kettlebell Snatches, Sandbag Loads
- High Pulls, Zercher Squats, Jumps
Carrying/Dragging Events
- Farmer’s Walks (Suitcase, Cradle, Overhead)
- Sandbag Carries, Dumbbell Duck Walks
- Chain Yoke (DIY with our YouTube guide!)
Flipping/Pulling Alternatives
- Sled Drags, Rope Climbs
- Arm-Over-Arm Pulls
- Vertical & Horizontal Pull Variations
Miscellaneous Finishers
- Crucifix Holds, Hanging from a Pull-Up Bar
- Fat Gripz Holds, Barbell Complexes
- Resisted Sprints with sleds, hills, or sand
Final Thoughts
Some of these moves may break the “commercial gym commandments,” but in the words of G. Gordon Liddy: “Obviously, crime pays, or there’d be no crime.” Be less concerned about gym etiquette and more concerned with robbing yourself of strength gains.
The Jailhouse Strong philosophy is simple: Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Time to rage against complacency and train like your life depends on it—because it does.
Strongman–Done the Right Way (50 Shades of Strength) HERE.