The Trend is your Friend

Planning and Programming with Josh

Let’s be real—any discussion about squeezing the best results out of a training program without first addressing adherence is just an intellectual circle jerk. And if it’s an internal debate, it quickly devolves into mental masturbation—pointless, unproductive, and only exciting yourself.

At the end of the day, if a plan is coherent, a mediocre plan adhered to will obliterate a superior plan that’s half-hearted. 

Consistent execution beats theoretical perfection every single time.

It’s simple: show up, put in the work, and stick to the plan. You can have the most advanced periodization program the world has ever seen, but if you don’t follow it, it’s just wasted ink. On the flip side, a basic plan executed with relentless consistency will crush the field every time.

So, step down from your ivory tower, stop overthinking, and start doing. Consistency beats complexity. Adherence beats perfection. Show up, work hard, stay consistent—and watch the results roll in.

Key Principles

Adherence starts with making training realistic and enjoyable. Sure, training twice a day might be optimal in a vacuum, but if you’ve got four kids, a full-time job, and legal drama from that Waffle House backyard-boxing debacle, you’re not training twice a day. Pushing it will wreck your recovery and your results. Training three days a week for an hour per session might not be perfect, but it’s doable—and that’s what matters.

Training three days a week forces you to focus on the lowest-hanging fruit and hammer the most important global concepts. On the other hand, multiple daily sessions allow you to dig into the nitty-gritty details. But here’s the thing: idealistic isn’t always realistic. Accept your reality, structure your plan accordingly, and maximize what you can do. Three consistent days like clockwork will always beat the sporadic chaos of higher frequency.

The Long Game

Remember stats class? There’s this concept called a trend. A trend reflects the direction of change over time. In training, results are the product of a trend formed through long-term commitment—not a random string of “hardcore” workouts.

Too many people chase the “parking lot effect”—you know, the ego boost from feeling wrecked after a workout so they can flex for their “X” followers. It’s instant gratification, not progress. It’s like thinking a free sample at Costco means you’re about to get a five-course meal. Spoiler: you’re not.

Strength is an adaptation to properly executed training done consistently—no shortcuts, no magic tricks, just showing up and putting in the work over time. It’s a trend. One session, good or bad, doesn’t define you. It’s the quality of your sessions over time that creates a winning trend. If showing up hungover and going through the motions is your norm, expect garbage results. But if most of your sessions are focused and productive, you’ll see steady progress.

Bottom line: Adherence is the bedrock of success. The perfect plan is the one you can follow, day in and day out. Stop wasting time overanalyzing, and start putting in the work. Forget the Irish honeymoon and focus on showing up to the altar of consistency. Results don’t come from complexity—they come from commitment. 

Josh’s programs have been irrefutably proven effective, in part because they are enjoyable and sustainable. Check them out HERE.