Creatures of Habit, Part II

This strategy works very well for people that do not spill their guts online; it is not so powerful for those that do. If you continually declare goals publicly and do not achieve them, do this: Tell no one about your goal but write it out a dozen times. Upon waking, say it out loud a dozen times then do the same thing before retiring for the night. 4) Success Partner “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.”(Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). The power of two is an amazing thing. Have you ever noticed how much more you can accomplish when you have a success partner? For your fitness goals, this might be a personal trainer or a workout partner. This could be someone you do weekly calls to strategize with; bottom line is two are better than one. 5) Competition Competition holds you accountable! Want to get strong? Sign up for a powerlifting meet. Want to get lean? Do a transformation contest or some sort of physique competition. Become a better writer? Write a book or enter in an essay writing contest. I say this with caution; ultimately your competition is yourself. As powerlifting God Father, Ernie Frantz, has talked about in powerlifting, by continually setting personal records eventually those become local records, then state records, then national records and finally all-time world records. 6) Celebrate Success All work and no play is a quick recipe to a back sliding disaster! Celebrate your success—weekly, monthly, yearly. This could be treating yourself on a small level by buying your favorite tune on iTunes, on a medium level by booking a reservation at your favorite restaurant and on a large level booking a vacation. Acknowledge your success and celebrate it! Final Thoughts Building and reinforcing good habits is the gateway to success. Keep in mind, Rome was not built in a day and this will not be easy. Research shows for new habits to become automatic habits, it can take from 21 to 66 days. Be patient and stay strong! Keeping following the rainbow, you will enjoy the pot of gold. To learn about more about developing a successful mindset click here ]]>