Posts by pwsadmin
Warm-Up or Waste of Time? Get Specific and Get Strong
by: Josh Bryant 8 years ago, a much larger, more gravitationally-gifted Josh speaks on warm-ups. Warming up is like putting on a collared shirt so you can get into the country club’s party and eat the prime rib smorgasbord for free—you don’t want to do it, but sometimes you gotta deal with a little bullsh*t…
Read MoreBuild Powerful Elbow Flexors for Big Benches and Bigger Presence
by: Josh Bryant Natural Bodybuilding Demigod Nick Deltoro training arms with Josh at Metroflex A big, strong neck might keep you off the pavement after a Waffle House parking lot brawl when some big-city, high-falutin’ fool rolls in, talking pretty big for a one-eyed fat man. But when he follows it up with some pseudo-Tae-Kwon-Don’t…
Read MoreBuild Big Triceps for a Jacked Physique and a Huge Bench
By Josh Bryant and Joe Giandonato Building Triceps with the Texas Press As a teenager training at the Santa Barbara YMCA, I still remember the tension between this huge black dude we nicknamed “Zeus” and this yolked-up cat we called “The White Power Guy” because of his white power tattoos. My friends and I spent…
Read MoreThe Trend is your Friend
Planning and Programming with Josh Let’s be real—any discussion about squeezing the best results out of a training program without first addressing adherence is just an intellectual circle jerk. And if it’s an internal debate, it quickly devolves into mental masturbation—pointless, unproductive, and only exciting yourself. At the end of the day, if a plan…
Read MoreEnergy Drinks: Science, Hype and My Take
by: Josh Bryant Ultimate Orange: The Original Preworkout, with a little more than just caffeine. Back in 2001, I was rolling through Ozona, Texas, on one of those road trips where the gas stations are the only landmarks. I pulled into a truck stop for a bite to eat—one of those places where the menu…
Read MoreExplosive Bench Pressing: Power Through Intention
by: Josh Bryant During my teenage years in Santa Barbara, I manned the front desk at Santa Barbara Gym & Fitness—a hardcore haven for iron addicts. That’s where I met a man we’ll call “Irving”—a former CIA case worker that lived in his van turned gym philosopher with a chip on his shoulder! His stories…
Read MoreNo Excuses: DIY Strongman Training Anywhere
by: Josh Bryant Josh- Deficit Deadlift at LA Fitness Can’t fit a yoke into the local chrome palace circle jerk masquerading as a gym? In the words of Pancho Villa: “I am not an educated man. I never had an opportunity to learn anything except how to fight.” Sometimes you gotta fight for your right…
Read MoreHabit Hacks for the Hardcore: Attack and Dominate 2025
by: Josh Bryant Tom Haviland personifies building successful habits. The New Year isn’t just a calendar flip — it’s your shot to grab the bull by the balls and make Rocky Mountain oysters, forging the strongest and most disciplined version of yourself. Research shows only 9% of people see their New Year’s goals through. Guess…
Read MoreOutlift, Outrun, Outlast: 50 Shades of Strength
We’re in a Strength Crisis — big numbers that only show up under perfect conditions. Strength that vanishes under fatigue and when shit hits the fan. Speed, skill, and precise movement that fall apart the moment pressure turns up. The question is: Will you be part of the problem or rise up as the solution?…
Read MoreFrom Ox to Dynamite: Turning Raw Strength into Explosive Athletic Power
Josh on explosive strength training: We’ve all seen the world-class squatters who, when they sprint or jump, look like an inebriated walrus on a bulk gone too far. Strength without speed? Outside of powerlifting, in sport, it’s as useless as tits on a bullfrog. Athletes who dominate don’t just have power; they use it like…
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